Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Parshat Bresheit

Tishrei  20 5755 (October 14, 2014)  Portion: Bresheit

Wow.   Another season has come and gone, and we're about to start at the beginning of the bible again, Bresheit (Genesis).

That means (lets see the math, my daughter is 29, we started going to shul when she was 6, so that's)23 years since we started going to Shul every shabbat.

Of course back then we considered ourselves conservative, and belonged to a conservative temple.

Wow.. Growth is interesting.  Yes, we have had a huge level of growth over the years.  Every week we try to play, "Stump the Rabbi", by seeing if our weekly torah study can come up with a really interesting question about the weekly portion.

Hmmm. The beginning.  In a void, we were created.  And it was good.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


17-Tishrei 5755 Saturday October 11th 2014 (Motze Shabbos *)


I've established this blog to keep a somewhat coherent log of my travels on the road. I will occasionally offer footnotes (and eventually put them into a glossary!) for those not familiar with certain expressions.

For those who don't know me,  My wife of 36+ years and I sold our house in NJ, and bought a CoW (Castle on Wheels), and a big truck to pull it (aka the Bull!).

We are Shomer Shabbos ** This means we will NOT travel to a new (unknown) campsite on a Friday, or drive on Saturday.  This is a big issue for us, as for past 10 years we walked to the Shul *** that was less then two blocks from our home.

So, our first dilemma is easy. What to do if we are in a town with a Jewish community, but not close enough to our campsite to walk?

Second dilemma:  Can we still call ourselves Shomer Shabbos, if we DO drive?

Third Dilemma:  What do we do when we don't have electricity?

Some of these questions and lots more will be discussed. and answered. Eventually?!
Today:   First Intermediate day of Sukkot.   This is the first year in about 20 or 25 years we haven't had a sukka. That's because we knew we were downsizing after living in our home for 25 years, and gave it to a couple new to the area where we moved from.

We did the mitzvah**** of sitting in the sukka, and it felt good.

* Motze Shabbos (after sundown shabbos, see below)
** Shomer Shabbos: We observe the Jewish Sabbath, from Friday Night Sundown to Saturday night sundown.
***Shul.  Place of worship, aka temple, synagogue or for non-jews, a church...
**** Mitzvah .  A commandment or law given to us by G-d. 
  ie, it was a mitzvah for him to donate his time to the food bank!